Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How to have a Butterfly Party (Butterfly Clips)

I wanted to make something to go in the goodie bags so I looked for a tutorial on butterfly clips. I already had everything to make them. This was a good way to get rid of alot of my growing stash of ribbon.

1. Take a piece of ribbon and hold it so there's two loops. One on each side of your fingers. The ribbon can be however long you want it. It depends on the size of butterfly and the thickness of ribbon. You can adjust it when you make all the loops.
2. Pull the middle of each loop into the center to form the wings. These loops can be done different ways. Decide which way is best for your ribbon.

3. I don't have a picture for this, but I glue ribbon on the clip first, before I put the butterfly on. It makes the ribbon or flower or whatever you are using stay on the clip better.

4. Then glue another piece of different color ribbon on top of the wings to form the body. I leave a little extra ribbon at the top to roll down and make the head.

5. Then add eyes (I used plastic gems) and antanae. I just used florist wire, but pipe cleaners or something more stiff can be used.

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